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Allegro Winery



A "new" re-release of this sweet fruit wine for Allegro! Years ago, the brothers made a strawberry wine—only 500 bottles—and to this day I still hear people comment about it. I knew we had to eventually make one ourselves. When we made our first one a couple years ago, the wine was a bit hit in the tasting room.  This year's should sell out just as quickly.

In true Allegro tradition, it had to be a blend: the strawberries are complemented by Fredonia grapes from Erie. Most fruit wines have issues related to the underlying chemistry of the fruit itself. Blending the fruit wine with a grape wine seems to ameliorate those short-comings while at the same time making the wine more complex and “wine-like.” In Twang, you'll find familiar strawberry flavors grounded in smooth grape fruitiness.

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SKU: twang-nv
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